About the Books

The ABCs of Flying (2024), $20.00
The book explores the mechanics of flying and the history of American aviators and their achievements from A to Z. As part of the mechanics of flying, the importance of “A” for Airfoils and “C” for Catapult are explained in their use for flight. Readers will learn what the requirements are to become a commercial pilot and the history of the New York Air Police (Sky Cops.) Also, information is included that will aid young people interested in completing the scout aviation merit badge.
Juvenile, Young Adult, Adult – 65 pages

Almost Forgotten Women: Yesterday's Headliners (2020), $25.00
The book relates stories of American women from 1840-1940 who challenged society’s customs and beliefs about women. Each woman’s story describes her accomplishments and their importance for women. In 1879, Belva Lockwood successfully lobbied for women lawyers to be allowed to argue before the US Supreme Court. African American aviator Bessie Coleman learned French to take pilot lessons at a French flying school, after American pilots refused her request. In June 1921, she became the first African American, male or female, to get a pilot license. See review.
Young Adult, Adult – 194 pages plus Appendix

Aviation: From Curiosity To Reality (2018), $15.00
The book explores the history of aviation and aviators. Starting with Da Vinci’s illustrations of flying machines to drones, the readers are introduced to firsts in aviation, aviation records set, and thrilling aerial flights. The Wright Brothers (1903) were the first to achieve engine-powered flight. Charles Lindbergh (1927) and Amelia Earhart (1932) were the first and second to fly solo, non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean. Audiences were thrilled to watch pilots who flew loops and figure eights, thrill seekers who danced or did cartwheels on the airplane’s wings, and daredevils who would hang from below an airplane or attempt to transfer from an airplane to a car.
Juvenile, Young Adult, Adult – 90 pages plus Appendix
Each of the books is fully illustrated with photos and artwork. Sources are included to help in further research.
About the Author
Mary Buckingham Lipsey
Mary Buckingham Lipsey was born in Atlanta, Georgia and raised in Fairfax County, Virginia. She received a B.A. in History and Sociology from Mary Washington College and a Masters in Middle School Education from Virginia Tech. In June 2003, Mary retired after teaching seventh grade American History for almost thirty years.
Mary was a volunteer docent at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History for forty years and at the National Archives for sixteen years. She was appointed to the Fairfax County History Commission and retired after sixteen years. Currently, she remains an advisor to the History Commission. Her interest in local history has found an outlet through writing articles and speaking to community groups. She became interested in aviation when her elementary school teacher wheeled a television into the classroom to watch astronaut Alan Shephard’s first flight. During her teaching career, Mary was frustrated by how little women’s history was included in the curriculum. Mary wrote the book Almost Forgotten Women: Yesterday’s Headliners to educate persons of all ages about the accomplishments of women from the past and illustrate the women’s struggle for equality.
Mary’s published works:
co-author of Braddock’s True Gold- 20th Century Life in the Heart of Fairfax County (2006)
author of A Christmas Flight: Aviation Pioneer, Dr. William Christmas (2013)
author of Aviation:From Curiosity To Reality (2018)
author of Almost Forgotten Women: Yesterday’s Headlines (2020)
author of The ABCs of Flying (2024)